Viagra feminine ???

Viagra for women:  Addyi


Let’s talk about something that has been the subject of much discussion concerning female sexuality over the past few days in the USA. Now it has arrived in our country. We should start out by remembering that this medication has already been rejected by the FDA on a number of occasions owing to the side effects that it has on women.



What is going to happen to the classic home-made excuse that you’ve got a headache when you do not feel like having sex?? I’m really afraid that it’s on the way out for good…

In order for all women to feel assured it is important to begin talking about this pill from a realistic point of view and the truth is that a lack of sexual desire is not a disease: it is a pill that regulates the biological dysfunction that is produced during one stage of a woman’s life.

It is directly associated to the menopause although the fact is many women suffer from it will carry with them to the bedroom psychological factors, their traumas, anxieties, their past, their education, their disappointments.

Women’s sexuality is completely unlike that of men; it’s much more complicated: they don’t just take a pill and all of a sudden all their emotional and sexual switches are turned on, as happens when men get an erection. Women need to feel comfortable with their partner, with their body, to feel affection and love and to feel an emotional connection with the man.

It is directly connected to their emotions and their brain and that is why patients and constancy with the partner are required if everything is to come out okay; we are not on automatic pilot.


One clear difference between assisted sexuality between men and women is the effect of Viagra and that of Addyi.

First of all, it has to be said that Addyi has been misnamed “Viagra for women”. It is no such thing because the purpose of Viagra is not to increase one’s libido but rather to give one an erection. This is quite the opposite of Addyi which is a stimulant to increase desire per se.

Yet another example of how women are more cerebral whereas men are more physical….

Men take it at the moment of having sex whereas women should take it on a regular basis. It normally takes full effect after four or perhaps six weeks.

It should also be kept in mind that women that want to take it cannot drink alcohol or take certain other kinds of medication because certain chemical interactions could have side-effects such as losing consciousness, or a serious drop in blood pressure, in which case “the cure would be worse than the disease.”

This apparently miraculous pill has still got a long way to go if it is going to become a panacea for women’s sexual libido.

Sexual desire is a latent need in all couples. However, having seen what the pill offers, it is advisable to work on the brain more and not take it because the best Viagra is the mind. The sensual build-up to having sex is what desire is there for.

Sexual relations do not start in bed, in the moments leading up to getting undressed, but rather when you are showing that you care for a woman, when you call her to show that you’re interested in her, in details such as hugging her during the day and taking care of the relationship from morning to night with tiny details of affection and love. That is the best medicine to increase desire, and stimulate a woman’s libido.

To a large extent, women are seduced with patience and commitment: nothing less than a ritual of love.We have to be inspired in order to be seduced.

The best remedy to always keep around is PAYING ATTENTION TO US EVERY DAY. We are thankful for the interest that has been shown in our pills, but let’s not deceive ourselves; we have got to be very careful: at the moment, we don’t have science behind us with regard to this.

The pharmaceutical industry appears to be getting much closer to the goal, but there is still a long way to go.

One great solution to the lack of desire felt by women is learning to know yourself better, knowing your body’s needs in the absence of prejudices and without moral hang-ups or feelings of guilt so that it is possible to feel pleasure in a free, healthy way. That is the best pill. Nor should it be forgotten that it takes two to tango; men do not realise that having sex is not just about penetration: it’s nothing less than the journey through mutual desire and devoting yourself, as we said before, to your partner.

We should be educating men more and giving them less Viagra.

The lack of information is what leads us to have frustrating relationships. We think we have to feel or provide whatever the statistics state whereas, in actual fact, there is so much more for us to learn when it comes to sex.

Your body is yours, so get to know it and enjoy it. And don’t forget that sexual relations are something that two people have to work at: it doesn’t just come down to the individual.

Bear in mind that up until now the truth about this pill is that: you can’t take it without a medical prescription, it’s not 100% effective, it doesn’t suit every woman, it has a lot of side-effects and it doesn’t work like Viagra.

Do you still want to risk it?

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